Located in the heart of the cat-obsessed Yanaka district, Yanakado specializes in manekineko - beckoning cat figurines - along with other tasteful cat-themed goods. Manekineko figurines come in all sizes, with both raised right paws (for good fortune) and raised left paws (to welcome visitors). Many of the figurines are created exclusively for this shop, and they tend to be more expressive than the usual mass-produced versions.
One noteworthy offering here is the My-Manekineko service, where they will custom-paint a ceramic cat figurine to resemble your own cat. After you supply them with photos of your cat you can choose from several different base models in different poses, then place your order. Prices start at Y7560 for a small-size figurine, and it can take a few months to complete your order, depending on backlog.
For more immediate cat-figurine gratification, you can paint your own miniature ceramic cat at Cafe Neko-e-mon, the shop's attached cafe. The price here is Y1620, which includes a tiny figurine to take home as well as coffee and dessert. If you're not in an artistic mood, you can just get coffee or tea and a cat-themed dessert.