Yahoneko is one of the liveliest cat cafes we've seen in Tokyo, with a spacious playroom that's well designed to keep the 28 resident cats entertained and happy. Besides the usual cat shelves, climbing equipment and cat tunnels there's also a giant exercise wheel - a much larger version of a hamster wheel - which is in constant use. Floor-to-ceiling windows look out onto the busy supermarket just across the alleyway, so there's plenty of activity for the cats to oversee.
The playroom is well furnished for human visitors as well, with comfortable seating, a huge manga library and a big-screen monitor showing a stream of anime programming. For a small charge you can help yourself to unlimited coffee, tea and soft drinks. WiFi is free.
Cat treats are priced at Y500 for three packs of around a dozen nuggets each. These are enormously popular, and a good investment if you want to make friends quickly. When you make a purchase you'll be given a tightly sealed plastic tub to keep them in until you distribute them.
Unlike in other cafes, you're allowed to (carefully) pick up and hold at least some of the cats; ask the staff which ones are allowed. Children from five years old are allowed, and visitors under the age of twenty must be accompanied by an adult guardian.