One of the early pioneers in Tokyo's cat-cafe world, Calico roughly doubled in size when they moved to larger quarters in 2016, providing a more comfortable setting for both cats and visitors. There are now two rather large playrooms - one of them brightly lit and good for photo modeling sessions, and the other relatively dark and kept at a temperature a few degrees warmer than average - perfect for naptime. There's plenty of seating in both.
Because this branch isn't thronged with tourists like Calico's sister shop in Shinjuku, the 26 cats here seem less jaded and a bit more friendly. Buying them snacks is still the best way to make friends, and the snack of choice here is boiled chicken breast, which will run you Y300 for a decent-sized plastic tub. The chicken is more popular than mere kibble, but not so frenzy-inducing as certain paste-type snacks that are sold in other cafes.
Evening feeding time is 5:30, when the cats are divided into two groups depending on whether or not they're on a special diet. Visitors are encouraged to help feed the cats, although most of them don't seem to need much help. Things tend to quiet down after dinner, so try to get here in time for feeding if you can.
(Note: some photos show the cafe's earlier location.)