Monta: Tokyo Asakusa

This cat cafe in the heart of tourist-filled Asakusa has a limited number of cats - eight at last count - but the staff seem to be good at keeping them engaged with various cat toys and other entertainment. The playroom is nicely furnished with comfortable sofas and cafe tables, making it a pleasant spot to stop for a quick coffee or a snack if you're in the neighborhood. They serve pastas and desserts as well as drinks.
The pricing policy is unusual in that it the cover charge starts at just ten minutes, so you can check things out quickly and decide if you want to stay longer.

Tokyo Asakusa / Cat cafe
Open 11am-8pm (last entry 7:30pm). Closed Tuesdays.
Cover charge is Y200 for ten minutes, Y600 for thirty minutes, Y1000 for an hour, or Y2000 for an all-day passport.
Average visit time: 30-60 minutes
Taito-ku, Hanakawado 1-5-2, Satellite Fuji Bldg 8F.