[Update: closed] Despite its location in the heart of Akihabara, the Candy Fruit "Rabbit Mansion" isn't exactly a maid cafe - rather it's a rabbit cafe where the staff happen to be dressed in maid's uniforms. And perhaps it draws a higher ratio of male customers than other rabbit cafes. Other than that it shares typical rabbit-cafe characteristics - it has something of a pet-shop atmosphere, and the walls are lined with cages full of rabbits that you can pet and feed.
After you've placed your drink order, the staff will inquire as to which rabbit you want to spend some time with. On our visit, when we asked for a frisky rabbit, we were advised that a more docile bunny might be better. We were recommended Omochi, a female Holland Lop with droopy ears and double chin.
There are twenty-one resident rabbits in total, with names and vital data marked on the front of each cage. Almost all of the rabbits are available for sale should you decide to adopt a pet, although few sell because they are all adults.
Seating is on floor cushions, either in the main space or in the two semi-enclosed booths. Generally there's a limit of one rabbit allowed to run around in each area of the cafe at any given time, but you can switch rabbits whenever you like. A Y200 dish of vegetable snacks goes a long way in helping you make friends.
Pricing plans here start at Y1100 for thirty minutes (Y1300 on weekends), and it's an extra Y500 if you want to take photos with a camera (as opposed to a cellphone). Coffee, tea, and other soft drinks are free. The cafe is open from noon on weekends.