Somehow the residents at Miysis seem friendlier and more playful than the usual cat cafe denizens. Perhaps they're just happier in their environment - the playroom here is a big, sprawling space designed to keep cats content, with lots of carpeted trees to climb and upholstery to shred, as well as numerous spots in which to perch or nap.
Visitor amenities here are also above average. The sofas are reasonably comfortable, if you don't mind the fact that they double as scratching posts, and the background music is an invigorating mix of soul and R&B. There are shelves full of Japanese manga and magazines, many of them cat-themed, to peruse.
Even the iced coffee - served with real milk - is quite drinkable. Other beverage options include sesame-soy milk shakes and mixed-berry yogurt smoothies, while the snack menu offers sweets and Chinese-style rice balls.
If you're interested in pedigrees, the twenty resident cats include a couple of Scottish Folds, a short-legged Munchkin and a very fluffy Siberian, along with some less exotic breeds. An English-language orientation sheet is provided for visitors, and binders introducing the cats are available for inspection.