Lizards, tortoises, snakes and other reptiles - plus the odd amphibian - are the main attraction at this charming animal cafe. While most of the animals are confined to tanks or cages, several giant tortoises cavort around a large play area, where you can join them if it's before 5pm. There are also a couple of tame lizards that you can pet.
There's no cover charge per se, but you're expected to order a beverage or food. We tried the shop's "meat cakes," which turned out to be scones filled with Chinese-style BBQ pork (like what you'd get in a pork bun), and served with whipped cream. Beverages include more than a dozen varieties of tea - mostly Chinese. A pot of tea runs around Y800-900, while a plate of three scones (either meat, vegetable or fruit) plus tea is Y1400.
The usual animal-cafe rules apply here - be gentle with the animals, sanitize your hands, and turn off the flash on your camera. Note that weekdays tend to be much less crowded than weekends.
The reptilian species here include an African spurred tortoise, spur-thighed tortoise, lined and leopard geckos, rainbow boa, corn snake, northern caiman lizard, green iguana and many others.